miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

PET Speaking Questions with Answers

PET Speaking Questions w/ Answers

Home, surroundings, origin, family and friends:

1)       Where do you live?

-I live in Madrid, very close to the school. My address is __________________. I am lucky because I live very close to the school, and I can walk to school every day. I know that other students have to take the bus or the metro.


2)       Do you live in a town or a village?

-Actually, I live in a city. A city is bigger than a town and also bigger than a village. My city has about 4 million people. Most villages have only a few thousand or sometimes even less. My parents are from a small village in Spain, but I have lived in the city of Madrid for my whole life.


3)      What do you think of your village/town/city?

-I really love my city. There is so much to do that I am almost never bored. My favorite thing about the city is that there are many parks. My favorite park is El Retiro. I go there often to play football with my friends. Also, my parents say that the city is very convenient because there are many supermarkets in different neighborhoods, and it’s very easy to move around the city because of all the public transportation, like the metro and bus systems.


4)      Is it better to live in a small or big place?

-Well, I think that different people would have different answers to this question. Some people will say it’s better to live in a big place because there are many things like cinemas, theatres and parks where a person can have fun. But other people would say that it is better to live in a small place because, for example, there is not as much pollution as in a big place. Also, there is more nature and maybe mountains in a small place. Each one has its pros and cons.


5)      Describe your favorite city/town.

-My favorite city is Rome. I love Rome because there is so much history there. They have so many old buildings and structures that have been there for more than 2,000 years! They call Rom “The Eternal City,” and it’s clear to see why. Any day of the week you can go and see the Colosseum, the Roman Forum or other buildings that the Romans built. Also, it is very easy to walk around the city.



6)       Do you live in a house or a flat?

-I live in a flat. Most people I know who live in the city, especially near the city center, live in a flat. There aren’t many houses (chalets) in the city center. I suppose that this is because there isn’t much room in the city to build houses. I do know some people who live in the outskirts (las afueras) of the city and they live in a house (chalet). There is more room in the outskirts.

7)      Describe your favorite room.

-My favorite room is the living room. I love the living room because we have a TV in there, and I can watch shows or movies. Also, I have my PlayStation there, and I love to play many games like FIFA or Call of Duty. Our sofa in the living room is very comfortable, and sometimes I love to take a nap while I’m watching TV.


8)      How many people are there in your family?

-In my family there are four people: my father, mother, sister and myself. However, now that my sister has two children, I suppose I could say that there are six people in my family, including my niece and nephew.


9)      What does your mother/father/sister do?

-Well, my father is an engineer. He works for a telecommunications company and helps make sure that the mobile phones in Spain always work. He leaves for work very early and arrives home very late at night. He seems to really like his job. My mother works as a teacher in a school. She teaches 1st grade. She’s been a teacher for many years now, and this is great because she can help me with my homework and to study for my exams. My sister is only ten years old, so she goes to school.


10)  Do you get along with your brother/sister/parents?

-With my parents, I get along very well. I make sure to keep my room clean, and I help my mother to wash the dishes after dinner. Also, I try not to talk back to them when they tell me things. I know they are just looking out for me because they love me. However, I don’t get along very well with my sister. She’s so annoying because she always wants to play in my room, and I have to tell her that she has her own room. Also, when I want to play the PlayStation, she is always watching a movie or a stupid show on TV, and I can’t play FIFA.







11)  Is your family important to you?

-Yes, of course, my family is very important to me. We often go to our town to visit my grandmother and grandfather. My parents sometimes punish me or make me do chores around the house, like clean my room or wash the dishes. But, I know that they are only doing it because they want me to help around the house and because they love me.


12)  What’s your best friend’s name?

-My best friend’s name is Brian. I have known Brian for many years. We met when we were in the 6th grade, so around twelve years old. Ever since then, we have been best friends. I don’t have a brother, but Brian has been like my brother. Now, he lives in San Francisco, CA, in the United States, but we still try to see each other whenever we can.


13)  Is friendship important to you?

-For me, friendship is very, very important. I try to talk to all of my friends when I can to see how they are doing. I feel like besides family, friendship is the most important relationship that you can have with someone. A friend will always be there for you, no matter what happens. This is why I believe that friendship is very important.


14)  Do you get along with your classmates?

-Mostly, yes, I get along with my classmates. Sometimes we argue or disagree about things, but I try not to fight too much with them. My classmates and I have been together since pre-school so we know each other very well.



15)  What do you like to do in your spare time?

-In my spare time, I like to do many things. I really enjoy watching movies. My favorite types of movies are comedy, adventure and drama. Sometimes on Saturday, especially when it is cold outside, it is very nice to stay inside and watch movies and relax on the couch. Also, in my spare time I like to meet with friends and go to a restaurant. We love to eat good food together and have good conversation. There are many other things I like to do in my spare time also.






16)  What do you usually do on the weekends?

-On the weekends, I like to travel. There are many places to visit and things to see around not only Spain, but also around Europe. It is very cheap to travel around Europe, and we have many long weekends. I try to take advantage of the time that we have off. If I’m not traveling, I like to go to a restaurant with my friends and try some new food.



17)  Are you a member of any clubs?

-I am a member of a football team, which is like a club. We meet after school and on the weekends to practice and play football. I like being a part of the club because I have met many new people and made new friends.


18)  Do you work?

-Right now, I do not work. I am not old enough to work, but I know I will need to try to find a job when I turn 16.


19)  Tell me something about your studies.

-Well, in my studies, we do many different things in my different classes. My English class, with my teacher __________, is such a great class. We do many different things to try and learn and practice English. It’s great because we often do activities that are outside of the book, so the class isn’t boring. Our other teacher, __________, teaches us math and language, he also makes the classes very fun.


20)  Do you study during the weekends?

-Yes, I often study during the weekends. We often have lots of homework to do over the weekends, so I have to study and do my homework during the weekends. Sometimes, we have exams on Mondays. When we do, I really have to study during the weekends to be ready for the exam.


21)  Would you like to change schools?

-No, I would not like to change schools. I really like Infanta Leonor very much. It’s in a good location, very easy to get to by metro, bus or even walking. Also, I think that my teachers are great, especially the assistants. I love working with them in the classroom. Also, since I have been at Infanta Leonor since pre-school, I have many friends at school. I’m afraid that if I change schools, I will lose contact with my friends and have to make new friends. It can be difficult to make new friends, especially in a new school.



22)  Do you do any sports?

-Yes, I play football/go swimming/do karate/play tennis. I really love playing sports because they are competitive and such good exercise. Besides at school I have made many new and different friends playing sports.


23)  What sports and games do you like? Why?

-Well, my favorite sport is football. I really love watching football, especially games with Barcelona/Real Madrid/Atlético de Madrid. Football is such a popular sport around the world, especially in Spain. Recently, Spain has been the best team in the world, and we have had much success in tournaments such as the World Cup and the Euro Cup. This makes it more exciting and interesting to watch.


24)  Do you ever pay to watch sports?

-Well, I don’t because I don’t have a job. I’m not old enough to have a job so I can’t pay to watch sports, but sometimes, maybe for my birthday or Christmas, my parents will buy tickets to see a match in the Bernabeu Stadium. It’s so exciting to watch a sports match live. There is so much energy in the stadium, and it’s so different than watching it on television.


25)  Are you keen on doing exercise? (Do you like exercising?)

-Yes, I am very keen on doing exercise. /Yes, I like exercising. I like to play sports, especially football, and this is very good exercise. In football, you almost never stop running, and running is some of the best exercise you can do. It is important to do exercise to stay healthy and to not be overweight.

Personal experiences and interests:


26)  What did you do last summer? Did you go on holiday/vacation?

-Last summer, I went to my country to visit my family. We had to take a plane to arrive in ___________. It was so nice to see my family that I don’t see during the year, like my grandmother, grandfather and cousins. This was my holiday/vacation during the summer. It’s nice to leave Madrid in the summer because it is so hot.


27)  Is there a place which particularly interests you?

-For me, the place that interests me the most is Rome. I have been to Rome, but I would love to go back one day. First of all, there is so much history in Rome. They call it the “Eternal City” because it’s been there for so long. There are many buildings that have remained there for more than 2,000 years. I love Rome so much, and it is so interesting.

28)  Have you got any pets? /Do you have any pets?

-I haven’t got any pets (I don’t have any pets), but I would love to have a dog. I know that pets can be a big responsibility because you have to feed them and take them for a walk. Even so, I love pets, especially dogs, so much that it’s worth the trouble. My favorite type of pet is an English bulldog. I think they are nice and loving, and I really want one.


29)  Do you like animals?

-Yes, I really love animals. When I see people on the street taking their dog for a walk, I always want to pet the dog. I really don’t like when people treat animals badly. It is such a sad thing because the animals cannot speak and tell us what is wrong. For this reason, it is necessary for us to treat them well.


30)  Do you do any sports?

-Yes, I play football/go swimming/do karate/play tennis. I really love playing sports because they are competitive and such good exercise. Besides at school I have made many new and different friends playing sports.


31)  Is nature something that interests you?

-Yes, I love nature. Because I live in the city, it is nice to get out sometimes and get some fresh air. There is so much pollution in the city, and the fresh air of nature is very nice to experience. There are so many beautiful things to see in nature. One of my favorite activities is to go hiking in the mountains outside of the city.


32)  What are your plans for next weekend?

-Well, next weekend I have got some really great plans. I am going to go to an amusement park/see a movie/play football with my friends. I like to take advantage of my free time on the weekends.

33)  Are you going away soon? To where?

- Yes, next weekend I am going to Ireland. I’m very excited to go to Ireland because I’ve never been there before, and everyone says it is so beautiful. I´m looking forward to meeting the Irish people and seeing many different colors of green there in Ireland.




34)  Have you made any plans for your next holiday? How long will you stay there?

- Yes, for the next holiday I am going to meet some friends in France. They are some friends I have that are traveling through Europe, and we have plans to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve together in France. I’m really looking forward to meeting them in France. We will be there for almost two weeks. I really hope it snows while we are there.

35)  Do you usually visit places of interest or go to the beach?

- Yes, I try to visit as many places as I can. Since everything is so close here in Europe, I try to take advantage of the cheap flights and short travel time. In the summer, when it is hot outside, I love to go to the beach and get a suntan and swim in the sea. My favorite area for the beaches is in Valencia.

36)  What’s the worst place you have ever been to? What’s the best place?

- Well, the worst place I have ever been to is a small town in Louisiana called Vinton. It is a very depressing place, and there is really nothing to do there. There are around 1,000 people who live there. There is no cinema, no theatre, no shopping center, almost nothing. I really don’t like going there. The best place I have been is Rome. I absolutely love Rome. There is so much history and many things to see that you can almost never get bored in that city. Whether you like eating at good restaurants, seeing old buildings, going to museums or even just going for a walk, you can do everything in Rome.

37)  Is there an exhibition near here that interests you at the moment?

- Actually, yes there is. There is an exhibition of old treasure from a sunken ship that has just arrived in Spain, and it seems very interesting. I really want to go and see it. I’m not sure where the exhibition is, but I will search on the Internet to find out.

38)  Can you cook? Do you enjoy cooking?

- Yes, I can cook. I first learned how to cook simple things, like grilled cheese or rice, from my mother. It is important to be able to cook for yourself because you don’t want to eat McDonald’s or frozen pizza all the time. After I learned a few simple meals to make, I began to want to learn how to make more things. I went to my grandmother’s house because she is a great cook, and she cooks very traditional Louisiana food very well. Nowadays I really enjoy cooking very much, especially when people come to my house. I enjoy cooking for them, especially when they think the food tastes good!

39)  Who makes the dinner in your family?

- When I am living at home my mother usually makes the dinner for our family. However, as she is a teacher, we sometimes take turns making the dinner. Some nights I will make the dinner, other nights my mother will make the dinner. Other nights my step-father will make the dinner. This is great because not only does it give my mother a break from making dinner every night, but we can also eat different things on different nights.


40)  What foods do you like most?

- Well, my favorite food in the whole world is called seafood gumbo. It’s a type of soup that we eat in Louisiana that has crab meat, shrimp, onions, peppers and, the most important ingredient, roux. Roux is a mix that cooks use in Louisiana to make many different types of food. So, overall, my favorite food is seafood gumbo. However, I also really like Mexican food. I think that it has so many different flavors, and it’s a little bit spicy, which I really love.

41)  Is there anything you can’t eat?

- No, there is really nothing that I can’t eat. If we’re talking about allergies, there’s nothing that I really can’t eat. However there are different things that I don’t want to eat. One thing that I never want to eat again is stomach. I think that the taste and texture are terrible. Also I don’t ever want to eat brains again. So, while there is nothing that I can’t eat, because of allergies or similar problems, there are many things that I don’t want to eat.


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