miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015

Describing pictures in English

Describing pictures in English

1. Introduction

·         The photo/picture shows ...

·         It was taken by/in ...

·         It's a black-and-white/coloured photo.

2. What is where?

·         In the foreground/background you can see ...

·         In the foreground/background there is ...

·         In the middle/centre there are ...

·         At the top/At the bottom there is ...

·         On the left/right there are ...

·         Behind/In front of ... you can see ...

·         Between ... there is ...

3. Who is doing what?

Here you decribe the persons in the picture or you say what is happening just now. Use the Present Progressive.

4. What I think about the picture

·         It seems as if ...

·         The lady seems to ...

·         Maybe ...

·         I think ...

·         ... might be a symbol of ...

·         The atmosphere is peaceful/depressing ...

·         I (don't) like the picture because ...

·         It makes me think



Present Progressive

1. Use of the Present Progressive

1.1. actions happening at the moment of speaking

Peter is reading a book now.

1.2. fixed plan in the near future

We are going to Basel on Saturday.

1.3. temporary actions

I am working in Rome this month.

1.4. actions happening around the moment of speaking (longer actions)

My friend is preparing for his exams.

1.5. trends

More and more people are using their computers to listen to music.

1.6. repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker (with always, constantly, forever)

Andrew is always coming late.

2. Signal words

·         now

·         at the moment

·         Look!

·         Listen!

3. Form

to be (am, are, is) + Infinitiv + -ing

4. Examples

4.1. Affirmative sentences in the Present Progressive

Long forms
Contracted forms
I am playing football.
I'm playing football.
You are playing football.
You're playing football.
He is playing football.
He's playing football.

4.2. Negative sentences in the Present Progressive

Long forms
Contracted forms
I am not playing football.
I'm not playing football.
You are not playing football.
You're not playing football.
You aren't playing football.
He is not playing football.
He's not playing football.
He aren't playing football.

4.3. Questions in the Present Progressive

Long forms
Contracted forms
Am I playing football?
not possible
Are you playing football?
Is he playing football?

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